World Access
Ultra-45 Advanced DS3 Multiplexer

As its name implies, the Ultra 45 DS-3 Multiplexer is the leading edge solution for current and future telecommunications applications requiring simultaneous delivery of high speed data, video, LAN, voice and telemetry services. The Ultra 45 provides an advanced platform for flexibly intermixing high and low bandwidth signals onto public and private networks.

A unique "one-card" design provides the user with the ability to define a broad range of interfaces. The two current versions of this card allow the selection of interface groupings: (1)RS-422, RS-423, TTL, HSSI or (2) T1, E1, and Ethernet LAN. Each card is software programmable for appropriate data rates from 11.4 Kbps to 35Mbps.

The Ultra 45 is particularly suitable for private network applications where multiple services, data rates and physical interfaces are needed. Centralized network maintenance and administration can be provided to increase efficiencies for multi-site users.